How To Install an Extension of Google Chrome Browser on Opera or Firefox

Many People know that Google Chrome browser content many Extension . so if you use Opera or Firefox Mozilla and you want to install an extension just only exist or compatible in chrome browser thus in this article you will found the solution to install it in you browser .

1)Install Google Chrome Extension on Opera Browser :
To do that we need to install an extension its name is "Download Chrome Extension" and with it we can install any Extension of Google Chrome Browser .
After istall the Extension go to Chrome Store and choose any Extension then you will see that the button "Add To Chrome" was changed to "Add To Opera"  click on it to start downloading .

Most of the Extensions will not install automatically so you must install it manually .

2)Install Google Chrome Extension on Firefox Browser :
To do that we need to install an extension its name is "Chrome Store Foxified" and with it we can install any Extension of Google Chrome Browser .
After install the Extension go to Chrome Store and choose any Extension then you will see again that the button "َAdd To Chrome" was changed to "Add To  Firefox"  click on it to start downloading and change its extension  .

If you want to use the Extension for ever you all you need to do is to sign in to you Mozilla Account then click on “Sign Addon then Install” .

i don't recommend to install the add using the “Install Temporarily” option, because the add will be removed when you close the browser. Finally i mention that you may face some problems with firefox browser as the chrome store firefoxed is actually an experimental version; the official version will be published as soon as possible.

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