Apple iPad Pro Review

I've been using the iPad Pro almost daily for a few weeks to see where it can and can't replace the laptop - and it's fared a lot better than I expected, so I've updated the review to reflect that.
The iPad Pro review was one that I was really been dreading writing – but also one I was the most excited about in a while.
The issue was this: what is the iPad Pro? Is it a genuine laptop replacement? Or is it nothing more than a larger tablet from Apple?
It depends what you see a tablet as. For some, it's a device that sits on the sofa with you, and you sometimes idly think about getting a keyboard for it so you could do some writing on the go. For others, it's a laptop that packs a detachable screen for portability.
The former scenario is where iPads (and most Android tablets) sit. The latter is more the domain of Windows devices, where the operating system and hardware collide with varying results.
Watch the video  for more information:

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