Space tourism

Space tourism defines space tourism as a journey into outer space to entertain or promote something. A group of modern companies have emerged in recent years to develop space tourism because they are limited and highly costly. Currently, this service is provided only by the Russian Space Agency. The cost of space tourism Spas Advertising for these flights, and cost between 2001 and 2009 about twenty to thirty five million US dollars, and as a result of the increase crew space station of Russia; stopped flights in 2010, and worked to exploit the seats that have For the pioneers and not the tourists, but issued that in 2013 will begin to start flights again once the capacity of the space of three people, and may increase in the future. Instead of the word tourism, the responsible organizations used the term flights. The civilian project uses the Civil Space Discovery Collection. In September 2012, a group of companies conducted a range of discounts on orbital and sub-orbital space trips at intervals . Science fiction in space travel As a result of the great successes achieved by space flights, specialists found that the intensification of these flights is very important, and I mentioned such aspirations in the stories of science fiction, most notably Arthur Clark in his story the fall of the moon sand, and the novel Jonah Ross issued in 1968, The writer Luthian in the real history book said a group of men who travel using their own ship to the moon, and many other stories. The economic future of space tourism In 2010, a report by the Federal Aviation Agency, entitled The Economic Effects of Commercial Space Transport on the US Economy, was issued as a result of a series of studies conducted by Vautrin, a space scientist and technical consultant, About one billion dollars over a period of time equal to twenty years. In addition, since Dennis Tito traveled to the International Space Station, citizens have begun to pay a fee of about $ 20 million for space access. Space Advisors predicted that the number would reach 15 by 2020. These numbers do not include Private organizations such as Kafrajin Galactic, where in 2012 they sold about five hundred tickets, two hundred dollars per ticket, and expects sales to increase in the coming years.

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